Do you get tense and nervous before riding, or in a competition although you love your horse and the event you participate in?
For some competitors despite being very competent in their chosen discipline, the ability to transfer all that training into a competition performance is very daunting. Despite their best endeavours they never seem to have enough time, they get nervous, finding items missed off the lorry adds to the rising tension and then they see a particular name on an entry sheet and it is enough for them to say “Oh it is not worth riding if they are competing”. What is it that those names do to be so successful?
Do you know how to plan your training and competition schedules to give yourself the opportunity to do well?
Then there are those feelings of not being in control felt at one time or another when learning to ride, riding in competition or riding for pleasure. Do you know why these incidents happen and how you can influence similar situations in the future to change the outcome to what you want?
Do you understand how your Psychology and behaviour can both help and hinder your progress, changing your physiology? Irrespective of the level you compete at, we know what is expected and what the challenges are that you face, because we too compete at our own level.
Our training in Equine Psychology and Behaviour, Equine Sciences along with Sport Psychology and NLP skills, allow us to understand and help both the horse and rider.
We have helped many riders achieve results in their chosen disciplines, attending both training and competition venues, so what about you? Why not have a look at “Ride like a Peacock”.
Should you not have the understanding and mental skills that can be developed and improved as part of your training now, rather than seeking a solution once things start to go wrong?