One to One Session

Are you a skilled Competitor, struggling to stand out from the crowd despite being technically proficient in your chosen sport?

It does not matter what sport you enjoy, participate in or at what level you participate, you have the ability to achieve a higher performance potential regularly. Realising that potential is the goal of everyone who makes sport part of their lives. There is no doubt that the advice of good instructors, coaches and sport specific professionals is invaluable, getting that extra something though, is normally in your mind.

Do you know how to use mental techniques to improve your performance and make the most of pre-competition nerves? Do you know what motivate and de-motivates you? Do you know the signs of burnout?

By using modeling techniques, we can understand the mental processes you are running successfully now, then help you find ways to come up with new strategies and processes to be even more successful.

We all experience injuries and set-backs from time to time and it is at these very times we need to be even more resourceful. These are critical times that separate the very best from the average, where the use of all your internal resources can help you even more than they do now. Being the best you can is easy, but how you handle the not so good times is critical to your success.


One to one sessions are as flexible as you want them to be. They can be away from your normal environment, at training areas or at competitions, the choice is yours.

Some clients prefer to have us accompany them at their training ground to review all interactions, the environment and behaviour exhibited, where they can utilize new thought patterns until they become engrained. We will often video these sessions and review them at a later session, looking for exciting opportunities for the clients to work on.

At all stages, we will where appropriate, be as flexible as possible to be there when we are needed. This is not always possible due to prior commitments, but every effort will be made to accommodate your requirements.

Sucess is a state of mind
Sucess is a state of mind