As a Competitor, does your thinking help your performance or do you find yourself with only problems and excuses?
Much has been written about Sport Psychology and its use at elite levels for many years but what does it actually mean for the for the majority of people participating in sport?
It can mean a “Motivator”, brought in by a Coach to “Psych up” a team or Athlete before a big event. To a Sport Scientist it may describe a branch of the discipline that focuses on the brain and the central nervous system and their influence on sporting performance. To a Clinical Psychologist it can mean a particular therapeutic intervention associated with physical activity. It can mean a discipline that can look at what you actually do now and then assist you to identify beneficial changes.
Whatever it means to you, we can help you achieve your competition goals or help you to enjoy your chosen sport even more. From assisting the development of training schedules right for you, to video analysis or a pair of new eyes to watch your training or competition performances, we can help.
By working with you, we can understand exactly what you experience, when and where, then help you develop winning processes to overcome negative behaviour and to help you to be as successful a Competitor as you both want to and can physically be.